Sunday, February 11, 2018

LEGO Ninjago Containers

Whether you're looking for additional storage for Lego pieces or decorations for a party or bedroom, these quick and easy Ninjago containers are the perfect thing for you. These are a fun project that kids can help with and could be done as a party activity.

The base for these containers is whatever empty containers you have around. I used empty baby snack containers, but you could use coffee cans, glass jars, or any other containers you have around. Make sure you thoroughly wash and dry the containers before you start.

I used wrapping paper to cover the containers, but you could use other colored paper, contact paper, colored duct tape, or even fabric. I also used printed Lego ninja eyes that are available for personal use download at You can draw/design your own eyes or print these ones or others that you can find online. The size of your paper and eyes will depend on your containers.

- empty, clean container(s)
- wrapping paper (solid colors: blue, black, white, red, green, or your choice) or similar
- glue stick, spray glue, or tape roller
- scissors
- pencil, ruler/tape measure
- Lego ninja eyes
- clear packing tape (optional)

1. Thoroughly wash and dry the containers and lids. Measure the height of the container and the circumference (distance around the sides).

2. Cut a strip of wrapping paper with the width matching the container height and the length about 1" longer than the container circumference.

3. Draw or print off Lego ninja eyes. I used 3" wide ones for my containers.

4. Cut out the number of eyes that you need for your containers.

5. Glue the strip of wrapping paper to the sides of the container. It's okay if it's rough, because that makes the paper look more like the ninja's fabric hood.

6. Glue a set of eyes onto the side of the container opposite the seam in the wrapping paper.

7. OPTIONAL: To make the container shiny like Lego and a bit more durable, cover the wrapping paper and eyes with clear packing tape.

8. Repeat the steps for additional containers, if desired. If the lids don't match the ninja's colors, you can spray paint them with paint designed for plastic (follow the instructions on the cans) or cover the lids with wrapping paper. DONE!

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